Monday, November 17, 2008


well I am creating a list of must see documentaries.. first in the series is "The Corporation" . I watched it some years go I watched it again today. Part of the reason is something I remembered from Farid Zakaria (GPS show host in CNN) a few weeks ago during the height of economic meltdown. Well in conclusion Farid question if the economic meltdown is an indication of the failure of free market/globalization. He answers that it is not and goes on to explain that no economic model is perfect but the free market model is self correcting and that it will correct and in due course of time will evolve into this perfect model. (I am not exactly quoting him but this is what he meant). I am no economist but I have my own doubts about this claim. I just remembered this documentary "The Corporation" so true and will also explain why a non supervised, de-regulated, freemarket might not be the solution. On a good note you can watch it legally for free in google videos.
Some other documentaries I watched recently
  • *The Corporation

  • *Life and Debt
  • (about IMF practices with an example of what happened in Jamaica)
    *Bring back my father (Vandana shiva campaign for the farmers in India)
  • *Outfoxed
  • (all about Fox News)
  • *why we fight
  • (well the name explains all)

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